Implementation of projects on request
Implementation of projects per request is an offer addressed to companies running or starting a business that do not have teams or competences to implement a complete IT project on their own. Depending on the customer's needs, the project can be carried out in at least 3 ways:
Customization of the existing TravelTECH solutions
Completing an entirely new project
Team outsourcing / Programmer rental
In accordance with the expectations of the Ordering Party, we can carry out the project as a whole, i.e. by implementing all stages or participating only in selected ones, such as analysis, programming or testing. However, we do know from experience that projects that are implemented as a whole work best. Continuity of the process helps avoid unnecessary costs and time losses related to the transfer of knowledge and team implementations.
How to effectively run an IT project
As an experienced software house and on the basis of several dozen completed programming projects, we are able to identify a number of basic factors that have the greatest impact on success. The most important of these are:
Clear and stable vision
A well-thought-out business aspect, determining the required functionalities as well as documenting the expected effect is half of the battle won! TravelTECH specialists will gladly support this process in terms of the analysis of functionality, usability of the interface and graphic design. And then, they will document it all professionally. This is also a stage at which one should choose a project management methodology – agile or waterfall.
Not changing expectations later accelerates the execution of the order.
Clearly dividing the roles
In a well-managed project, establishing the roles is a must. We always suggest the Ordering Parties to clearly define who the dedicated Product Owner is. Such a person should be a representative of the Ordering Party, who has both full knowledge of the expectations and an awareness of the final effect. They must also have time to communicate frequently with the Team and/or the Project Manager. Other roles such as Project Manager, architects, testers, developers, scrum masters etc. are provided by TravelTECH. At this stage, it is also necessary to establish responsibility for the implementation – understood much broader than just launching the system in the production environment. In the case of larger organizations, we suggest "appointing" change ambassadors – people who will start to use the project's effects first and promote them in the Ordering Party's organization. The introduction of ambassadors into the process significantly accelerates and increases the adoption of the system.
Communication and progress tracking
Regardless of the chosen methodology (agile or waterfall), we insist that Product Owners participate in regular meetings with the Team – it facilitates communication and helps avoid making the wrong decisions. We pay particular attention to internal communication. The TravelTECH specialists form a harmonious team, and short, daily meetings (stand-ups) help in the mutual understanding of the activities. We act openly! – the Ordering Party expects that they will be kept informed about the progress of work and TravelTECH specialists like to proudly share the results of their work.In addition to the TravelTECH employees, access to these tools is available to both Product Owners and any other persons indicated by the Ordering Party.
Well-chosen and proven technology
Knowing the assumptions of the commissioned project, the TravelTECH architects and engineers suggest the appropriate technology to the Ordering Party. Conscious choice helps avoid later problems, be it the way the users perceive the system, visibility for search engines or efficiency. This is why you should trust experience!
Quality, competence and commitment
Even the best project implemented without competent contractors can turn into a nightmare. The lack of involvement of the team increases costs, extends the implementation time and creates an unpleasant atmosphere around the project. Therefore, among the values which drive our software house, we have knowledge and commitment right next to quality. This approach guarantees that joint projects will bring a lot of satisfaction to both the Ordering Party and to TravelTECH.
Are you interested in ordering the IT project?
We will propose an optimal solution for your business!
Projects run on request
Each Customer has their own vision of their website. Therefore, the TravelTECH systems have been prepared in a way that allows them to be adapted to the expectations of the customer. Based on proprietary solutions, we build tailor-made systems.
Ads campaigns
How do you quickly promote your own website on the Internet? How do you quickly attract customers to a new online store? The answer is Google Ads campaigns (formerly Adwords). At TravelTECH, we know how to do it effectively without "wasting your budget".
Website Development
An attractive, easy to navigate, fast and well positioned website is the best showcase of any business! We are happy to use our experience to design and implement a modern and responsive website for your company!
Applied technologies